
How to Clean Composite Decking in 5 Easy Steps


When the weather is nice, you want to spend more time outside, but mould, pollen, pine needles, and other dirt and debris that accumulate on your composite deck can get in the way. Fortunately, composite wood decking is durable, low maintenance and very easy to clean. In fact, you don’t need much more than soap and water.

The following five-step guide will teach you how to clean a composite deck and keep it shiny.

How Often to Clean Composite Decking

Composite decking is designed to last for years in all weather conditions, so you don’t have to clean too often. Experts usually recommend cleaning a composite deck every six months. Depending on your geographic location and frequency of use, one or two cleanings per year should be sufficient. The best time to clean is right after the tough winter months as you head into spring. However, you should sweep or blow the leaves at least once a month to prevent them from accumulating. Also, keep an eye out for possible grease or mold stains and remember to clean them immediately to avoid stubborn stains.

What You'll Need


5-gallon bucket

Exterior brush

Soft brush


Pilot spatula or flathead screwdriver


Biodegradable washing up liquid

Instructions: How to clean a composite deck with soap and water

1 Clean the surface of the deck

Before covering the deck with soap and water, clean all furniture, flower pots, grills and other decorative items. If your furniture and pots are too heavy to move easily, cover them.

2 Balding or Blowing Leaves

After removing furniture and decorations, begin a cleaning program by removing any large or loose debris such as sticks. , leaves and dirt. Use a knife or flat-head screwdriver to loosen any debris trapped between the deck boards, then sweep the entire deck with a brush or leaf blower.

3 Wash the deck with soap and water

Once you’ve removed the dirt and debris, it’s time for deeper cleaning. Add half a cup of biodegradable dish soap to a 5-gallon bucket, then use a hose to fill the bucket halfway with water.


Next, pour a thin layer of the solution over a small section of your decking (a 5 foot by 5 foot square, for instance). Use a bristle brush or an outdoor push broom to scrub away caked-on dirt and stains, following the direction of the board’s grain (lengthwise, going up and down).



Repair your floor with hard debris. a second time with your incoming passport. Adjust the size of the brush to reach the corners and edges.

4 Wash the soap

After cleaning the first 5×5 section, wash off the soap and sweat. Move on to the next part of the quilt, repeating steps three and four until you’ve covered the entire surface of the quilt. Finally, wash the entire cover thoroughly to remove all soap residue.



It is important to work in small batches so that the detergent solution does not dry out and leave a cloudy film on the device. terrace.

5 Air and put everything back

When you want to finish cleaning, leave the cover in the sun for a few hours to dry naturally. After drying, move furniture and other outdoor decorations or remove protective covers.

Tips to keep your composite deck clean for longer

  • Clean your deck regularly of leaves, pollen and other debris. (one to two months) to prevent build-up.
  • Clean up mud and mould as soon as it occurs.
  • Brush under flower pots every few months to prevent stains.
  • If you use a covered grill or similar cooker, be aware of any grease spills or charcoal stains and clean them up now.

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